💦Water has been one of the topics at every Environmental Affairs Commission meeting I've attended this year, but yesterday it had become the primary focus. Prompting discussion was The New York Times article published a week ago titled The Water Wars of Arizona. If you haven't read it, you can do so here: https://www.nytimes.com/…/ma…/the-water-wars-of-arizona.html
The final paragraph references both the Tribute development here in Sierra Vista (7,000 homes) and also the plans for Vigneto in Benson (28,000 homes) but without naming them. Progress on the Tribute development has been halted by a series of joint legal efforts and a decision from the Arizona State Supreme Court is expected this year.
Some commissioners expressed concerns that although we have our own aquifer and are outside of the Sulphur Springs Valley, the City of Sierra Vista may share their fate if we aren't careful. While other points were made that Sulphur Springs Valley's use of water is much different than our own (agricultural vs residential) and that they didn't have aquifer recharge plans in place like we have established.
Water is a vital topic in our city, and my research into all of the possible effects we have on it is still ongoing, but it will not stop. I will continue to learn what I can from reliable sources as well as from you, our citizens so that when I am on council making policy decisions, they will truly be water-wise and in the best interests of the people of Sierra Vista.