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Official Re-Election Campaign Announcement


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, January 6th 2022 Contact: Website:

Carolyn Umphrey Launches Re-Election Campaign for City Council

Sierra Vista, AZ — Carolyn Umphrey has been a West End business owner for over a decade and was elected to the Sierra Vista City Council in 2018. Today she announced the official launch of her re-election campaign and issued the following statement: “In mid-2018 we launched a grassroots campaign for Sierra Vista City Council in what became a very crowded race with 7 candidates running for 3 seats. We collected and turned in more signatures than any other candidate and knocked on over 1000 doors! Because of your support I was elected to serve a four-year term on our city council. Since then, we've made great progress! I have truly enjoyed being a daily problem solver for our amazing city. So much so, that I still find myself as excited and enthusiastic to work for you as on day one. This is how I know that I need to run for re-election and continue working to make the Hummingbird Capital the best place to live, work, and play! That's the plan and I’m sticking to it!”

As a City Council Member, Carolyn has served as council liaison to the West End Commission, and the Arts and Humanities Commission. She currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization, as a member of the Upper San Pedro Partnership, member of the Military Communities Council, and on the Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee for AZ Cities and Towns.

Carolyn and her husband of 19 years, Timothy Umphrey, live in the historic West End where they both work from home and are raising two little Sierra Vistans. Carolyn’s platform focuses on economic security, community engagement, and seeing Sierra Vista thrive as an active, safe, and vibrant city. More information about Carolyn Umphrey and the campaign can be found at This site includes biographical information, her blog, a calendar of upcoming events, as well as her position and record on many of the important issues affecting Sierra Vista.



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