Full Video of Meeting:
Full Agenda and Supporting Documents for this Work Session: Click Here
Form for Public Comment Items: Click Here
Spring Edition of the Vista: Click Here
Agenda with timestamps:
1. Call to order [2:04]
2. Presentation and Discussion:
A. January 23, 2020 Council Meeting Agenda Items:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation – Pastor Jeffery Anselmi, M.A., First Christian Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Item 1 Acceptance of the Agenda
City Manager’s Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings and Bid Awards
Item 2 Consent Agenda
Item 2.1 Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 23, 2020
Item 2.2 Resolution 2020 - 008, Appointment of Lawrence R. Goodhue, Adrienne Weiss, Brandy Kea-Robinson and Johanna Scott to the Industrial Development Authority, said terms to expire December 31, 2024
Item 2.3 Resolution 2020 - 009, Acceptance of the Resignation of Kathy Calabrese, with regret and Appointment of Julia V. McCaa to the West End Commission, said term to expire December 31, 2020
Public Hearing [4:08]
Item 3 Resolution 2020 - 010, Development Code Amendments to Section 151.08.002 - Public Improvement Standards - General Regulations, Article 151.19-Subdivision Platting Procedures and Requirements and Declaring a 30-day Public Record
New Business [17:27]
Item 4 Resolution 2020 - 011, Text to 9-1-1 Grant Agreement
Call to the Public
Comments and Requests of the Council
B. Report on Recent Trips, Meetings, and Future Meetings [22:12]
C. Board and Commission Liason Update [32:18]
D. Future Discussion Items and Council Requests [34:57]
E. Discussion/Consensus on Boards and Commissions [36:40]
3. Adjourn
During Item B I should have also mentioned the Arizona Public Budget Briefing. I attended the Budget Brief this past Wednesday and found it very informative. For those interested in the specifics of the presentation, you can download the slides here. The Herald/Review also published an article on it that I think covered some of the highlights pretty well. The article covered an important point raised by Michael Boardman, President of the Huachuca 50. We need to see specific funding from the State to support our military installation communities. I was grateful to hear Mr. Boardman specifically ask about the State Military Affairs Commission and the Military Installation Fund. Both of which, you may remember, I discussed in my City Summit blog post last year. I made sure to speak up in support of the points brought up by Mr. Boardman and emphasize that even though Fort Huachuca isn't facing an immediate threat of BRAC, we are at risk of mission poaching, and mentioned us dealing with such this past year. Bill Greeney, the assistant director in the Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting, then gave us his assurance that this issue would make it back to the Governor's Office. Between the meeting here and our meeting in December with our House Representatives, I am hopeful that military communities will be better addressed in the AZ budget and by the State Legislature. Moving forward, I am now a member of the Military Communities Council, a nationwide board that addresses military communities, and will help bring our concerns to the federal level as well as better equip Sierra Vista for our dealings at the state level. I will be attending my first meeting as a member, next month. As always, please contact me at Carolyn.Umphrey@SierraVistaAZ.gov with any comments or questions. I love hearing from you!
Your council member,