Last week's Work Session and Council Meeting were the firsts meetings for our newly-elected city council members, Dr. Angelica Landry and Gregory L. Johnson, as well as the firsts for Mayor Pro Tem Rachel Gray's new term since being re-elected in November.
As you can see in the picture, this meeting was a stark contrast to the last meeting with a ceremonial swearing-in. COVID -19 has unfortunately made it impossible for us to celebrate these special occasions the way we normally would. It's also the reason a new group council photo is postponed for a later date to be determined.
Thankfully we still have our Council Admin Retreat scheduled for the 22nd and we should see an agenda for that soon.
Below are the meetings from the first half of January. The majority of our work session was a good discussion the city council had over potential code amendments for recreational marijuana dispensaries and other considerations now that recreational marijuana is legal statewide. The council's consensus was to have city staff draw up a proposed resolution that, if approved, would allow a marijuana dispensary to open up in Sierra Vista city limits. This resolution would first have to go to the Planning and Zoning Commission and through a public hearing process before coming back to City Council for approval. For those interested, you can jump directly to that part of the meeting and listen to the full discussion using the link in the agenda below.
Work Session for Tuesday, January 12th
Agenda with video timestamps:
Presentation and Discussion:
January 14, 2021 Council Meeting Agenda Items: Ceremonial Swearing in of Council Call to Order Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Item 1: Acceptance of the Agenda City Manager’s Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings, and Bid Awards Public Hearings Item 2: Resolution 2021-001, New Series 10 Liquor License for Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Max Mini Mart LTD dba Fry Blvd Chevron located at 1796 E Fry Boulevard, Sierra Vista New Business Item 3: Resolution 2021-002, Application for a Permanent Extension of Premises/Patio Permit for Christopher Guinter on behalf of Tight Spot Enterprises, LLC dba PC’s Lounge, Sierra Vista, Arizona Item 4: Approval of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2020 Item 5: Resolution 2021-003, Planning and Zoning Commission Appointment Item 6: Resolution 2021-004, Park and Recreation Commission Appointments Item 7: Resolution 2021-005, Appointment of Rachel Gray as Mayor Pro Tem Item 8: Resolution 2021-006, Amending the Intergovernmental Agreement between Cochise College Community College District and the City of Sierra Vista for the Joint Program to train Emergency Medical Services and Fire Science Students Item 9: Resolution 2021-007, Memorandum of Understanding with Cochise College for Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services Call to the Public Comments and Requests of the Council Adjournment
Proposition 207 Background and Potential Code Amendments for Recreational Marijuana Dispensaries
Future Discussion Items and Council Requests
COVID-19 Status Report
City Council Meeting for Thursday, January 14th
Agenda with video timestamps:
Ceremonial Swearing in of Council Call to Order Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Item 1: Acceptance of the Agenda City Manager’s Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings, and Bid Awards Public Hearings Item 2: Resolution 2021-001, New Series 10 Liquor License for Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Max Mini Mart LTD dba Fry Blvd Chevron located at 1796 E Fry Boulevard, Sierra Vista New Business Item 3: Resolution 2021-002, Application for a Permanent Extension of Premises/Patio Permit for Christopher Guinter on behalf of Tight Spot Enterprises, LLC dba PC’s Lounge, Sierra Vista, Arizona Item 4: Approval of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2020 Item 5: Resolution 2021-003, Appointment of Daman P. Malone to the Planning and Zoning Commission Item 6: Resolution 2021-004, Appointment of Jessica Kunkel and Joseph Hayes to the Park and Recreation Commission
Item 7: Resolution2021-005, Appointment of Rachel Gray as Mayor Pro Tem
Item 8: Resolution 2021-006, Amending the Intergovernmental Agreement between Cochise College Community College District and the City of Sierra Vista for the Joint Program to train Emergency Medical Services and Fire Science Students
Item 9: Resolution 2021-007, Memorandum of Understanding with Cochise College for Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services
I want to congratulate and thank our newly appointed and re-appointed Commissioners Jessica Kunkel and Joseph Hayesto the Park and Rec Commission, and Daman P. Malone to our Planning & Zoning Commission. I'm very thankful for all of them stepping up to serve, although, I've recently learned council will now have to appoint another Commissioner to the P & Z Commission because of the sad news that one of our current P & Z Commissioners, Dave Thompson, has passed away. I attended most of the meetings during Dave's time serving on the P & Z Commission, and from what I observed, he was a very thoughtful voice that served this city in a variety of ways. I know he will be greatly missed. I think he was only half-way through his term, so I believe whoever is appointed would be serving the remainder of his term and not an entire term.
That's all for now, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at with any comments or questions.
Your Council Member,
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