Council chambers have finally been equipped with new cameras and mics! No more choppy audio, and you can actually hear and understand everything being said. The image resolution is much clearer, too. This update makes it possible for those that have to or choose to watch the meetings from home or on the go. I'm hoping it also helps encourage more Sierra Vistians to stay informed in their local City government. City Staff has started sharing the live YouTube videos to our City Facebook page as well and I've noticed that has made a big difference in viewership. All of this helps support the City Council's Strategic Plan and is a huge step forward in the effort to engage and improve awareness with our community.
I also want to highlight that once again, Sierra Vista City Council approved to lower property taxes this year. The new property tax rate for the City’s fiscal year 2020-21 is $0.1106 per $100 of assessed value. That equates to $11.06 for every $100,000 accessed. The property tax levy is still estimated to generate $372,024, which is an increase from last year’s total of $365,370. For more information on this and the other items we voted on this most recent meeting, see below.
Work Session for Tuesday, August 11th
1. Call to order - 3:00 p.m.
2. Presentation and Discussion:
A. August 13, 2020 Council Meeting Agenda Items:
Item 1 Acceptance of the Agenda
City Manager’s Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings and Bid Awards
Item 2 Consent Agenda
Item 2.1 Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2020
Item 2.2 Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2020
Public Hearing(s)
Item 3 Resolution 2020-049, Series 9 liquor license application for an interim permit, owner transfer, limited liability co.-type of ownership for Kevin Arnold Kramber on behalf of Sierra Pharmacy and Compounding Lab at 2085 E. Fry Boulevard, Suite B, Sierra Vista, Arizona
New Business
Item 4 Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2020
Item 5 Ordinance 2020-006, Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Property Tax Levy
Item 6 Resolution 2020-050, Donation of a 1997 Type 1 Pierce Quantum 1500 Pumper to Cochise College
Item 7 Resolution 2020-051, South Wardle Road Pre-Annexation Agreement
Item 8 Resolution 2020-052, Official Intent to be Reimbursed for Certain Capital expenditures
B. Report on Recent Trips, Meetings, and Future Meetings
C. Future Discussion Items and Council Requests
D. COVID-19 Status Report
3. Adjourn
City Council Meeting for Thursday, August 13th
Agenda with video timestamps:
Call to Order: 5:00 p.m. [8:27]
Roll Call
Invocation – Pastor Greg Rowles, God is Good Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Item 1 Acceptance of the Agenda
City Manager’s Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings and Bid Awards
Item 2 Consent Agenda
Item 2.1 Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2020
Item 2.2 Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2020
Public Hearing(s)
Item 3 Resolution 2020-049, Series 9 liquor license application for an interim permit, owner transfer, limited liability co.-type of ownership for Kevin Arnold Kramber on behalf of Sierra Pharmacy and Compounding Lab at 2085 E. Fry Boulevard, Suite B, Sierra Vista, Arizona
New Business
Item 4 Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2020
Item 5 Ordinance 2020-006, Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Property Tax Levy
Item 6 Resolution 2020-050, Donation of a 1997 Type 1 Pierce Quantum 1500 Pumper to Cochise College
Item 7 Resolution 2020-051, South Wardle Road Pre-Annexation Agreement
Item 8 Resolution 2020-052, Official Intent to be Reimbursed for Certain Capital expenditures
Call to the Public
Comments and Requests of the Council
That's it for August meetings. The Work Session and Council Meeting for later this month have both been canceled due to a lack of agenda items. Right now the next meeting (Work Session) should be scheduled for September 8th. Also, the Spotlight Breakfast will be virtual this year. Before this past Council Meeting, we, the Council all took turns recording segments for it. You should be seeing the video for that sometime in the first half of September.
If you have any questions or comments again these meetings or any other topics, please never hesitate to reach out to me at, I love hearing from you!
Your Council Member,
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